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Today's computer networks and data systems are becoming increasingly complex.  We understand that most business owners and managers do not have the time to learn and implement the technology that is essential to running a business. 

IntegraTek Consulting can help simplify your day to day processes by implementing and maintaining efficient solutions.  By aligning your business strategies, people, processes, and technology with your objectives, we can help you achieve the highest return on your investment.  Let us do what we do best, so that you have the tools, resources, and time to do what you do best.

Computer Support, Network Troubleshooting & Maintenance
On-call response means you get the same quality network troubleshooting and computer support on an as-needed basis.  We offer both telephone support and on-site support at no additional charge.  Some of the primary services offered include: 

System and Network Evaluation Services
IntegraTek Consulting offers comprehensive system and network evaluation services.  This service outlines areas where strategic implementation of technology can most profoundly improve the business as a whole.  The evaluation identifies:

Stabilization Services
At the beginning of an IntegraTek Consulting client engagement, often time the client requires some level of technology environment stabilization.  IntegraTek Consulting’s Stabilization Services are designed to transition a client from a break/fix method of technology management to a predictable level of service and financial investment. Stabilization Services include:

Project Planning & Implementation
There are some special technology needs or projects that fall outside of standard ongoing maintenance and support.  Projects may include:

Proactive Services

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